Saturday, February 19, 2011


The Babies Room has been ready for weeks.  I had fun putting it together. It was previously my Craft Room, which I will miss. It took sometime switching everything to the spare bedroom, but I will enjoy having the Baby closer to me. It was difficult at first to decide what to do, cuz it's a surprise. Thankfully the walls were green already. The room turned out GREAT, and looks awesome for a Boy or Girl!

It has been a long and exciting wait for the little one to arrive. I am 1wk over due and will be Induced in just a couple of hours!  It will be a long day, but I'm so excited and can't wait to meet the little one!!  I'm glad that we have decided to wait on finding out if it is a Boy or Girl. (It was Jon's idea) I will keep you all posted and wish us LUCK!!!

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