Thursday, August 12, 2010


So I finally decided to conquer the world of blogging.  Never thought I would have much to say or to blog about... so here we go!  Just a quick history lesson.  Jonathan and I meet in 2001 working at the lovely store of Wal-Mart where we both worked.  Dated 4yrs, and finally decided it was time to get married.  We had a cute little Winter Wonderland wedding on Jan 22, 2005 in Snowflake, AZ at the Social Hall.  We lived in Mesa, Az for the next 3yrs while Jon worked on getting into a fire dept.  He was hired by Rural/Metro Fire were he worked for over a year.  We then heard from Casa Grande Fire and he went through another academy.  We decided it was a perfect time to start looking for a home in Casa Grande.  Took us 4 months to finally find a home that we loved.  It took us several weeks to make some updates.  Including taking down wallpaper in the WHOLE Kitchen and 2nd Bath.  Pulled up the carpet, painted and put in a wood floor (which was worth it). We made the move last April and here we are living a very simple life in CG.  The End :0)

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