Makenna Pearl Larson
Born 2-19-2011
(@ 10:06pm by c-section)
Weight: 8lbs 6ozs
Height: 19 ins
Saturday morning started a long day of anticipation. We arrived at the hospital at 6am in the morning to get induced. Every 4 hours I was given something to help me progress. It slowly started to work and the day looked slowly promising. By 8pm it had been 10 hours and our little girl had moved back up and didn't have any signs of moving back down. So I was given 2 choices. Option 1: to most likely be in labor for 3-4 days and by the looks of it, it would end in a c-section. Or Option 2: to go ahead with the c-section. By the results of the medications, and only being dilated to 1. That was the best way to go. So we got prepared for a c-section.
After a short wait, the next thing I knew we were in the operating room. The Anesthesiologist was very nice and was very good about making sure I was comfortable. Unfortunately she had to stick me twice to get the Epidural in. The 1st time she went to the right, and when she relocated it I was stuck in the bone. Very painful ;(. She was very nice about it and felt bad. The 2nd time it was just fine. I think she gave me a large dose to make me feel more comfortable faster, but it took me longer to come out of recovery. They were talking about it, and she felt bad, I didn't care I felt fine. Besides the weird feeling of not being about to move my legs at all for 2hrs it went well. Once the Epidural was ready they took a pole on what they all thought it would be. Dr. Ivey and all the nurses were very excited that it was a surprise baby. They had not had one in a while. The Anesthesiologist asked Jon what he would prefer (a boy). Then she asked me (a girl) and within minutes we heard Dr. Ivey say... IT'S A GIRL!!! I looked over at Jon and he had a shocked look on his face. Then we heard her cry, a smile came across his face that lasted for hours! Once he held her it didn't matter anymore:)
The hardest part of the C-Section was not being able to see Makenna for a few hours. As soon as they brought her in the room I couldn't believe how Beautiful she was. They kept her in the nursery the 1st night. When they brought her in, in the morning we quickly learned that she was such a good baby.

It was so fun to get her ready and to finally be at home!!! (The boys are good with her). She never really fusses and for the most part sleeps fairly well during the night. We are still missing a lot of sleep though. My mom has been here, and she has been such a help!!! We really appreciate it, and will miss the extra help once she goes home.
It has been 1 week, and we can see how much of a blessing she will be in our lives! She is the sweetest baby ever!!!